Trending di Twitter, Berikut Rangkaian Ucapan Selamat Hari Pramuka

- 14 Agustus 2020, 09:41 WIB
Selamat Hari Pramuka.
Selamat Hari Pramuka. //istimewa

=> Create a nation with character and dignity through the scout movement.

=> Greetings scouts. Happy Scout Day for scout brothers which is celebrated on August 14,

=> I devote my Satyaku, I dedicate my dharma. Happy Boy Scouts Day, live Indonesian Scouts

=> Happy Scout Day, I hope the Scouts will always be the glue of unity and can continue to make the nation proud.

=> Happy Scout Day. Scouting activities teach discipline, dexterity and skills for our young generation. Keep moving the Indonesian Scouting movement.

=> The Scout Movement is a forum for the formation of a sense of nationalism and patriotism for the nation's children. Happy Scout Day to.

Semoga dapat menginspirasi.***



Editor: Gunawan Bahruddin

Sumber: Twitter Mantra Sukabumi Wikipedia


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