Trending di Twitter, Berikut Rangkaian Ucapan Selamat Hari Pramuka

14 Agustus 2020, 09:41 WIB
Selamat Hari Pramuka. //istimewa

JURNALPALOPO.COM - Hari lahir Pramuka diperingati setiap tanggal 14 Agustus 2020 dan sekarang sudah berumur 59 tahun.

Pramuka mengajarkan kedisiplinan, keteguhan, kepemimpinan, kesetia kawanan, dan cinta Tanah Air.

Kata "Pramuka" merupakan singkatan dari Praja Muda Karana, yang memiliki arti Jiwa Muda yang Suka Berkarya.

Baca Juga: Napak Tilas Gerakan Pramuka di Indonesia, 59 tahun hingga Lahirnya Hari Tunas Gerakan Pramuka

Di Twitter, "Selamat Hari Pramuka" menjadi trending. Beberapa ucapan "Selamat Hari Pramuka" yang di rangkum tim Jurnal Palopo dari Twitter sebagai berikut.

@jokowi "Pramuka Indonesia adalah para pandu dengan jiwa dan karakter yang tangguh. Kepada mereka saya meminta membuat dua gerakan: gerakan kedisiplinan nasional yang mengajak masyarakat mengikuti protokol kesehatan, dan gerakan kepedulian nasional untuk saling membantu dan berbagi"
@gerrardluvers "Anyway Selamat Hari Pramuka dari World Scout Global Ambassador NCT Dream @NCTsmtown_DREAM ### Stream Fireflies"
@youngkgaesss "Selamat Hari Pramuka yang ke 59 #.. SatyaKu Kudharmakan DharmaKu Kubaktikan.. Mata gue kelelep"
@LAPOR1708 "Selamat Hari Pramuka #SahabatLAPOR! Mari kita teladani semangat Pramuka dengan turut berpartisipasi dalam upaya penanggulangan dampak COVID-19 di sekitar kita. Salam Pramuka!"
@Sulselprov "Pramuka mengajarkan kita tentang arti kebersamaan, kekeluargaan dan sikap solidaritas. Mari jadikan semangat kepramukaan tetap bergelora. Mari ciptakan suasana persaudaraan dan saling menghargai. Selamat Hari Pramuka ke-59 Satyaku ku dharmakan, dharmaku ku baktikan"
@MardaniAliSera Dari lokasi Sidang MPR RI 2020 Senayan Jakarta, saya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Pramuka ke 59, Terdepan Bergerak “Peran Gerakan Pramuka Ikut Membantu dalam Penanggulangan Bencana Covid-19 dan Bela Negara”
Berikut rangkaian ucapan Selamat Hari Pramuka, di kutip dari Mantra Sukabumi

=> We wish you a Happy 59th Scout Day, 14 August 2020.

=> Happy Scout Day 14 August 2020. Greetings Scouts!

=> The spirit of scouting remains passionate to create an atmosphere of brotherhood and mutual respect.

=> Scouts teach togetherness, discipline, independence. Korsa spirit and unyielding spirit.

=> One scout, for one Indonesia. Long live my country.

=> The Scout Movement must continue to be nurtured as a forum for the formation of our nationalism and patriotism. Scout salute!
=> Cheerful and never give up is the true soul of a scout.

=> Long live my Indonesia, my Satyaku, I will devote my Lordship, Greetings Scouts !!!

=> All Scouts are in the Scouts, but the Scouts are not in all of them. Scout salute.

=> Together building the Indonesian nation, live in my Indonesia, my Satyaku, I dedicate my Darmaku, Greetings Scouts!

=> The greatest success is being able to get up when you fall. Never complain about the trials that are befalling us. SCOUT SALUTE!

=> All Scouts are in Scouts, but Scouts are not in all of them. Scout salute.

“An endless sacrifice because I was a scout. Scout salute !

=> Happy Scout Day, I hope the Scouts will always be victorious and give birth to young shoots who can lead our nation to a better direction.

=> Fulfill Trisatya, practice Dasa Darma, for the sake of the country and the nation.

=> Create a nation with character and dignity through the scout movement.

=> Greetings scouts. Happy Scout Day for scout brothers which is celebrated on August 14,

=> I devote my Satyaku, I dedicate my dharma. Happy Boy Scouts Day, live Indonesian Scouts

=> Happy Scout Day, I hope the Scouts will always be the glue of unity and can continue to make the nation proud.

=> Happy Scout Day. Scouting activities teach discipline, dexterity and skills for our young generation. Keep moving the Indonesian Scouting movement.

=> The Scout Movement is a forum for the formation of a sense of nationalism and patriotism for the nation's children. Happy Scout Day to.

Semoga dapat menginspirasi.***


Editor: Gunawan Bahruddin

Sumber: Twitter Mantra Sukabumi Wikipedia


